Practice Team
Dr Andrew Potter (m)
Full time senior GP partner at the surgery and joined in 1996. Studied medicine in Bristol before completing his GP training in Plymouth. GP trainer and practice lead for the treatment of drug addiction.
Dr Laura Dunn (f)
Six session GP Partner. Joined the Practice in September 2016 as a Salaried GP and became a Partner April 2023. GP trainer.
Dr Ewan McConnell (m)
Six Session GP Partner. Studied medicine at the University of Edinburgh before completing GP training in Plymouth. Joined the Surgery in August 2020 as a Salaried GP having finishing training here before becoming a Partner in April 2023. GP trainer and interest in chemical dependence.
Dr Josie Rosser (f)
Six session Salaried GP. Joined the Surgery in December 2016. Studied medicine at Newcastle, completed GP training in Plymouth. GP trainer and has special interest in Women's Health and Medical Education.
Dr James Powell (m)
Four session Salaried GP. Joined the Surgery in Aug 2017 after finishing his GP training at the practice.
Dr Tiffany Hamley (f)
Four Session Salaried GP. Joined the surgery in May 2016. Interest in Minor Surgery.
Dr Olivia Murphy (f)
Dr Murphy joined us as a Salaried GP in October 2023.
Dr Alison Pickering (f)
After completed her GP training her at North Road West, Dr Pickering joined us as a Salaried GP in February 2024. Interest in chemical dependence.
Doctors in training
Dr Ramy Mansour (m)
GP Registrar ST3
Dr Ahmed Mahmoud (m)
GP Registrar ST3
Dr Nkechi Nwosu (f)
GP Registrar
Health Practitioners
Elizabeth Griffiths (f)
Advanced Paramedic Practitioner, ACP
Beth joined us in October 2018 as a Paramedic Practitioner after leaving the ambulance service. Beth has recently completed her ACP MSc. Non-medical prescriber.
Kelly Taylor (f)
Kelly is a Paramedic who joined us in March 2023. Kelly has previously worked for the ambulance service and primary care. Kelly will be studying to become a first contact practitioner from September 2024.
Anna Lapacz (f)
Physiotherapist MCSP
Joined the practice in August 2017.
Dawn Ward (f)
Dip HE Nursing Studies, BSc Professional Development in Health and Social Care
Dawn joined us in May 2015. She trained in the Army and qualified in 2001. After leaving the Army in 2004 she then worked predominantly in Accident and Emergency for 8 years.
Dawn is the lead practice nurse. Non-medical prescriber. Respiratory and diabetic chronic disease management. Trained in contraception. Dawn is currently studying towards her ACP MSc.
Hannah Akred (f)
Dip HE Nursing Studies
Hannah joined us in April 2019 as a Practice Nurse. Respiratory and diabetic chronic disease management. Trained in contraception
Hannah will be studying to become a non medical prescriber from September 2024.
Dongmei Ye
Adult Nursing Degree, Plymouth University.
Dongmei joined us August 2022 as a treatment room nurse. She had previously worked at University Hospital Plymouth. Before moving to the U.K in 2006, Dongmei worked as a Midwife in China.
Dongmei is currently studying to undertake chronic disease management.
Healthcare Assistants
Angela Sanderson (f)
Joined North Road West in January 2011, from a background of working in clinical research.
Angie is a trained smoking cessation advisor and Plymouth University trained band 4.
Alex Jones (f)
Alex started at NRW in January 2023 as a Receptionist and since January 2024 has had a dual role on reception and as a HCA.
Practice Manager
Michelle Boardman (f)
Practice Manager
Michelle joined the practice in 2017 from a hospital background. Studied Business Management at Plymouth University. She has been the practice manager since April 2023.
Training practice
Other doctors join us for advanced training to become family doctors – they are fully qualified and already have extensive experience of hospital work. They usually spend a year in the practice. We also help to train medical students and you might meet nurses and health visitors who are under supervised training. You may see the doctor or nurse alone if you wish – just ask!
This Healthcare Organisation is working together with the University of Plymouth, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry to host students (Medical, Dental and / or Physician Associate) to assist with their learning. You may be asked to talk to or be seen by a student either with the doctor or nurse or on their own. The student will introduce him or herself and ask to discuss your medical problem and examine you.
Students are supervised at all times by the placement supervisor and a health care professional, usually your doctor. Like qualified practitioners, the students guarantee your privacy and confidentiality. You may find helping students in their learning interesting and stimulating.
The students and the Faculty appreciate your contribution to the education of future doctors, dentists and physician associates. If you would like to make any comment or have further questions, please speak to a member of staff.
GP net earnings
NHS England require that the net earnings of doctors engaged in the practice is publicised, and the required disclosure is shown below. However it should be noted that the prescribed method for calculating earnings is potentially misleading because it takes no account of how much time doctors spend working in the practice, and should not be used to form any judgement about GP earnings, nor to make any comparison with any other practice.
The average pay for GPs working at North Road West in the last financial year ended 31 March 2024 was £81200 before tax and National Insurance.
This is for 1 full time GPs and 7 part time GPs who worked in the practice for more than six months.